Archive of posts with category 'Announcements'

Proxima d: a tiny exoplanet neighbor next door

Today we publish the detection of a new planetary neighbor. In fact, in this case, it is the neighbor that we have door to door. We have found with a...

Accurate wavelength calibration to test the fine-structure constant

The wavelength calibration of ESPRESSO has been studied in detail and it has been demonstrated to be extremely accurate and suitable to serve its main scientific goals.

Broadband transmission spectroscopy of HD209458b with ESPRESSO

ESPRESSO detected the transmission spectrum of #HD209458b, finding evidence for the presence of TiO and Sodium (one of them, or both). These exciting results appear in a new paper led...

Revisiting Proxima with ESPRESSO

News alert: today we are announcing the independent confirmation of Proxima b using ESPRESSO.